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PRISM - Build

Local installation and setup of develpment envrionment for PRISM project

    This document is to assist PRISM developers in configuring their local machines. Although the final architecure has IIS as the web server, for development purposes, Tomcat alone will work.

  2. JDK
    1. Download and install JDK1.4
    2. Add Sytem variables

    3. Right click "My Computer" on desktop. Properties-Advanced-Environment Variables.
      Add the following System variables and values:
      JAVALIB E:\W2k1Lang\SDK1.1.4\lib\ (or wherever you installed java)
      CLASSPATH %javalib%dt.jar;%javalib%htmlconverter.jar;%javalib%tools.jar
    4. Test java by opening up a command shell and running "javac" on a .java file of your choice.

  3. ANT
    1. Download Ant-1.5.1.zip from the ANT home page.
      Unzip this into any directory you like. Confirm the directory structure shown at ANT installation page
    2. Add the following System variables and values:
      ANT_HOME c:\ant (Locatin to where you unzipped ANT)
      JAVA_HOME c:\jdk1.2.2 (location of JDK install)
      Also add to PATH ;%ANT_HOME%\bin
    3. Cofirm ANT is working by opening up a console window (DOS window) and executing the command: "ant"
      You should see the message:
      Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
      Build failed

  4. JUNIT
    1. Future instructions go here.


    1. Download and install Tomcat 4.1

    2. Install in: C:\Program Files\Tomcat
      Be sure to selece "NT Service" and "Source Code" when installing
      Leave default port of 8080.
    3. Add the following System variables and values:

    4. CATALINA_HOME C:\Program Files\Tomcat
    5. Add these lines to C/Program-Files/Tomcat/conf/server.xml, above the first Context tag:
      <Context path="/prism-dev" docBase="prism-dev" debug="1" reloadable="true">
      <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" prefix="prism-dev." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
    6. Uncomment the following line in C/Program-Files/Tomcat/conf/server.xml:
    7. Start Tomcat for the first time and test with the local start page. The NT service will start Tomcat automatically the next time you boot.

    1. If you're not a developer and don't have a SourceForge account, just download the prism-dev.zip file from the download section of this website, unzip it on the local machine, change into the newly created prism-dev directory and execute the ant deploy command to deploy PRISM. You can ignore bullets a and b at this point and try the test page (c).

    2. Check out the application from CVS if you're a registered PRISM developer on SourceForge by following the steps outlined in bullets a & b.
      1. Execute command:

      2. cvs co prism-dev
        You can check this out to a blade41.cs.umb.edu, then FTP or SCP to your windows machine. A much better option is to use CYGWIN, as you can use cvs directly to and from your windows machine. Put the files anywhere but the under the C:\Program Files\Tomcat directory structure. They will be copied to the appropriate directory eventually.
    3. Compile and copy the jsp and class files to the appropriate directory under Tomcat

      1. Change to the prism-dev directory just created by cvs.
      2. Execute command:

      3. ant deploy
    4. Try This test page.
      You should be able to navigate between the pages and pass messages with the form submit button.

    1. Install Microsoft's SQL Server
      1. Install Microsoft's SQL Server Database and start DB Server
      2. Create a database with the following attributes.

        1. Database name: studentkiosk
        2. Port number: 1403 (this is the default)
        3. Database user: studentkiosk

        4. Create new user if necessary
        5. Database password: tnedutsksoik

        6. Use SQL Server Authentication
    2. Download and install the JDBC dirivers. See this helpful document.
      1. Download the Unix JDBC Tar file from Microsoft.
      2. Untar the file: mssqlserver.tar and you get:

      3. install.ksh
      4. Untar the file: msjdbc.tar and you get:

      5. lib/msbase.jar
      6. Copy the above three files to:

      7. C:\Program Files\Tomcat\common\lib or
        %CATALINA_HOME%\common\lib (if Tomcat not installed in suggested directory)
      8. Alternately, get the files using Microsoft's Setup Program (Will Install Needless Data On Whole System)
    3. Create the tables
      1. Checkout the current build from CVS
      2. Execute the following script from within Microsoft's Query Analyzer:

      3. /prism-dev/sql/install.sql
        Be sure the "studentkiosk" database is selected
      4. Do a project build:

      5. ant deploy
      6. Restart Tomcat
    4. Test Database Installation
      1. Goto this Page, enter data and click Forward